Strip Star
This is from Missouri Star Quilts- it helps to view the tutorial video “Stars and Stripes Quilt” as it’s a different technique than you may have done before.
Pocono Mountain Quilts of Valor #88526
c/o Kathleen McCarthy
1032 Hickory Valley Road
Stroudsburg, PA 18360
Why start a new group? Belonging to a wonderful group of people giving back to the community, location, helpful information, and being under the umbrella of the Quilts of Valor Foundation for events, presentations, discounts, and insurance.
If you are already a member under an individual membership (as some of our group members were), you may come join the group and when time to renew your membership, it will be at a cost of only $10.00 for the year. To move into our group, email and let them know the Group name/number: Pocono Mountain Quilts of Valor #88526.
Members please note that is a separate group and you do not automatically belong to it just because you are a member of PMQG.
If you are interested in joining the group for the first time, you may register on your own at the website under the Join Us dropdown and select our group: Pocono Mountain Quilts of Valor #88526 to join for $10.00 and/or reach out to this email: and/or call me at 917-453-0002.
To get complete information about the mission of Quilts of Valor, please go to the Quilts of Valor website:
A QOV quilt made from donated blocks.
Members working on quilts at the February 4th get together.
Barb Wenton sewing the rows of a quilt together.
Admiring our handiwork!
One of the quilt tops sewn together, using blocks made by members of the PMQG. It still needs borders.
Strip Star
This is from Missouri Star Quilts- it helps to view the tutorial video “Stars and Stripes Quilt” as it’s a different technique than you may have done before.
Blocks due at the May Meeting
Half -Log-Cabin
For this block you need a collection of 6 different 2 ½” strips. They can be red, white, cream, tan, gold, blue, or multi-colored patriotic prints. Just be sure to have some contrast between each row of fabrics.
Fabric A: (1) 2 ½” x 2 ½”
Fabric B: (1) 2 ½” x 2 ½”, (1) 2 ½” x 4 ½”
Fabric C: (1) 2 ½” x 4 ½”, (1) 2 ½” x 6 ½”
Fabric D: (1) 2 ½” x 6 ½”, (1) 2 ½” x 8 ½”
Fabric E: (1) 2 ½” x 8 ½”, (1) 2 ½” x 10 ½”
Fabric F: (1) 2 ½” x 10 ½”, (1) 2 ½” x 12 ½”
Stitch pieces together as numbered in diagram always pressing toward last piece added:
Piece 2 to piece 1, press toward 2
Add piece 3, press toward piece 3
Add piece 4, press toward piece 4
Continue until all pieces have been added.
Block should measure 12 ½”
Make as many blocks as you like, the more blocks we have the more QOV we can make!
Blocks due at the April Meeting
Blue- (4) 5” squares
Red- (2) 5” squares
White- (2) 5” squares, (1) 4 ½” square
Mark both red and both white squares on the wrong side on the diagonal.
Pair these each with a blue square, right sides together.
Stitch on BOTH sides of the drawn lines using a scant ¼” seam.
Cut on the drawn lines, press seams toward the blue. Trim to 4 ½”.
Layout and join units into the three rows following diagram. Press top and bottom rows toward red/blue, center toward solid white.
Join rows, pressing toward center (see arrows on diagram).
Blocks due at the March Meeting
Please make blocks in pairs- one nine-patch with one snowball. Make as many pairs as you like using quilt quality 100% cotton prints, marbles, tone on tone, etc. in flag shades of red/white/blue. You can use a single fabric for each color or make the blocks scrappy.
(8) 2 ½” squares blue
(4) 2 ½” squares red
(1) 2 ½” square white
(1) 6 ½” square white
Join 2 1/2" squares to make nine-patch
Blocks due at the February Meeting
This block looks more complicated than it really is! Just start with 2” strips of red, white, blue, and gold. Cut them to lengths indicated, then sew each section in order. It will all make sense as you go and is a fun block to see develop!
SUPPLIES: 2” strips - 14” gold, 22” white, 37” red, 37” blue
1. Stitch a white 2” square to the end of each gold rectangle, press toward gold.
2. Stitch a red 2” square to the end of (2) white rectangles, press toward red.
3. Stitch one gold/white unit to a red/white unit following diagram, press toward gold/white.
4. Stitch a red 2” x 5” rectangle to the red/white AND the gold/white sides of this unit, following diagram, press toward red.
5. Stitch a red 2" x 6 ½” rectangle to the red/white side of this unit, following diagram, press toward red.
6. Make two units. If needed, trim to 6 ½”.
7. Repeat above using blue in place of red. Make 2 units.
8. Join these 4 units to complete block, press seam toward blue when stitching into pairs, then spin the center seam when stitching pairs into four-patch.
Blocks due at the December & January Meetings
Make four patch using 3 ½” squares, press, then join to larger squares to make block.
Block should now measure 12 ½”.
Make as many blocks as you like, the more blocks, the more quilts we can make!